Thursday 12 December 2013

Lemon faith

I like lemons and limes. I like the smell particularly, it's a get-up-and-go kind of smell. I like home made lemonade, lemon kurd, lemon cheese cake and lemon lime and bitters to drink.

However when I talk about lemon faith I am not referring to the fruit. I am thinking of it in the context of a lemon car, like on the movie "Cars 2". All the old cars who were beat up and dusty were referred to as lemons.

Spiritual faith is often like a car. It starts off new and shiny and doesn't need much maintance. However as the road goes on and we drive for a few years the car starts to age. It gets dents, it starts to rust, things begin to get blocked up or fall off. The car may even be in a major accident and require extensive repair. After 20 or so years a car will have a lot of parts that have been replaced.

In the past few years I have felt like my faith has been quite lemony. Bits of it has fallen off to be replaced by other bits, some bits haven't been replaced at all, just left empty. It seems to creak along, frequently getting bogged down in the mud.

I like to write out my wondering thoughts, my musings on faith, spirituality, parenthood, anthropology and other stuff that I am pondering. So here's to having faith like a lemon, may it refresh and be refreshing.

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